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All-Party Parliamentary Group on Hong Kong
Inquiry into Media freedom in Hong Kong: the case of Jimmy Lai and Apple Daily

The All-Party Parliamentary Group (“APPG”) on Hong Kong has launched an inquiry into media freedom in Hong Kong, with a focus on the case of Jimmy Lai and Apple Daily.
The inquiry will also consider the impact the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong and Special Administrative Region 2020 (“NSL”) has had on freedom of expression and media pluralism in Hong Kong.
Jimmy Lai is a 75-year-old British citizen based in Hong Kong, and the founder of Apple Daily, one of Hong Kong’s most popular newspapers until its closure in June 2021. Mr Lai was arrested in August 2020, alongside six others, on suspicion of “collusion with foreign forces” and conspiracy to commit fraud.
The inquiry
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